The dreaded “how much shall I charge?” question is here! We’ve all done it, thrown a figure off the top of our heads, but can we make a profit this way?

Don’t sell yourself short & do your calculations to ensure you make a profit from your small business.

Helpful Calculations

2 x Wholesale Price

Your Wage - NMW is £11.44

50% markup (this is down to you however retail is usually 50%)

For example

Materials From Your Wholesaler is £5 x 2 = £10

Add your wage - £11.44 if it takes you an hour to create.

£10 + £11.44 = £21.44

( you could round this up or down and I know you think well others are selling this for cheaper, don’t worry, your people are out there somewhere! ✨)

Have a little calculator below & see what profit you could make.